To all the graduates out there …

It’s May, which means that there are thousands of seniors graduating high school, including my daughter. It got me thinking about how I wish things were different for our teenagers …
I wish life was more simple.
I wish there was more equality, inclusivity and understanding for every teenager in every corner of our world.
I wish we taught you to focus on love, compassion and mindfulness rather than prestige, power and unrealistic financial success.
I wish we showed you that looking into someone’s eyes is more important than following them on social media.
But as I pondered the “what if’s” and “if only’s,” I realized that everything our teenagers need is already within reach. So to all the seniors launching into your next chapter, I hope you remember there is so much ahead of you …
I hope you listen to the music of John Denver and Cat Stevens and read the works of Glennon Doyle and George Saunders (or anyone who focuses on kindness).
I hope you pay attention to the power of being in nature, taking deep breaths and staying in the moment (because these simple acts have the power to change your perspective).
I hope you embrace all the opportunities that come your way (and look for them, I promise they will be there).
I hope you see all the limitless potential in you (and listen to your heart as well as your head to find it).
I hope you know that you can actually change the world — whether through a big accomplishment or a small smile (believe it or not, they both might have the same impact).
Maybe life is quite simple.
The first page of your next chapter could simply be brightening up your little corner of the world, which will radiate across our small blue planet.
Congratulations and I’ll be on the lookout for your light!